Parents & Caregivers
"Gesucht haben wir einfach nur einen Kindergarten,
Gefunden haben wir: einen Ort voller Freundlichkeit, Wärme, liebe zu den Kindern, unendlichen Lernmöglichkeiten, Verständnis und Hilfsbereitschaft."
Parent from Green Group
Parent from Red & Orange Group
Parent from Yellow & Orange Group
.أفضل روضة أطفال في فيينا
.جو رائع للأطفال مع أفضل المعلمين
.إنهم يبرزون أفضل المواهب المخفية في الطفل
.ويعززون ثقته بنفسه و يخلقون شعورًا عائليًا لدى الطفل
..أمضى أبني فيها عامين رائعين
'مكان رائع ، إداره ، معلمون ، فلسفة التدريس
. بالعفل كل شيء
“Kids United is the best! I appreciate the kind staff and the various activities for both the children and the parents. My daughter looks forward to going to kindergarten every morning, and that’s really all a mom can ask for.”
Parent from Green Group
About Nadee Dissanayake
Principal of Kids United Kindergarten

I began my teaching journey at the Overseas School Colombo in Sri- Lanka, where I taught Grade 5 students for 5 years. I then pursued my career in education at the Dwight International School London, Shanghai Singapore International School, the International School of Stuttgart, and the Vienna International School. Subsequently, I have gained experience teaching students from Grade 1 to Grade 6. Additionally, I have achieved a Bachelor of Education in English and Biology, a Post Graduate Certificate of Education and a Master of Education. Most recently I have also achieved a Degree in Early Year’s Education in addition to a Diploma in Early Year's Leadership. Overall, I have acquired over 30 years of teaching experience, working with children from the ages of 3 to 16 years old.
At Kids United we are a team of dedicated teachers with a love for children and a passion for education. Under their care and guidance, and our interest-based approach, we strongly believe that our children will flourish to become confident and happy learners.